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No or Go?

Have you ever had a life-desire pop up in your heart and mind that you didn't know what to do with?  What I mean by life-desire is one where you know this would be a turn in direction with where you are currently going.  For example, it might be a new job that you didn't know was on the horizon, or a challenge you feel God is giving you that is out of your comfort zone.  I don't know about you, but I tend to struggle when things like this come to mind and are so powerful that they can not be ignored.  And as a believer, I question where the desire is coming from.  Is it a desire of my own sinful, self-seeking heart or one put there by God for a purpose: HIS purpose?

Today in my bible reading, I began 2 Chronicles where the story begins of Solomon's reign in the place of his father David.  It struck me (again) how, when asked by God what Solomon would like from him, Solomon asked for wisdom and knowledge.  In the message version of the bible, it uses the word 'staggering' as a way to describe how Solomon felt about the task laid before him - the task of ruling his people.  The son of King David, having grown up watching his Father rule their people, felt inadequate...not equipped for the enormity of his job.  So what Solomon wanted most was guidance!

When a task is laid before me, I tend to have one of two responses.  Initially, if it is out of my comfort zone, I tend to run away scared...quickly.  I feel completely unequipped to handle what is coming my way due to a lack of knowledge and that is overwhelming to this control-freak, and all I want to do is make it go away telling God he's got the wrong girl!!   OR, if it is something I do have knowledge about, I tend to run head-long into it to make it happen as quickly as possible without seeking God in the process.  Neither are healthy!  There are valuable lessons to be learned in the waiting through the process.  Oh, I'm preaching to the choir here!!  :)

I think what we (I) can learn from Solomon it to take pause. Sit back a bit, ask God for guidance first and foremost and listen intently.  Is the desire in you from Him or simply of yourself?  For me, this is the most important question up front.  We do not want to waste time and energy on something that is not in God's will for us.  It will be an up-hill battle of great magnitude!  You will be 'spinning your wheels' so to speak and the battle will feel grievous.  If the answer from God is "no", then lay it down in humility and seek guidance on a new direction, but trust His timing.

However, if the answer from God is "go", then ask that he will equip you along the way one step at a time.  And sometimes, even when we don't feel brave enough, we just need to start walking, trusting that His faithfulness truly is our confidence.  He will give us every. single. thing. we need to accomplish his task through us.  It might still feel like a battle since Satan will do everything he can to thwart God's plan in us, but have peace knowing that if this is from God, it will be accomplished in time!  Satan can not win.  We win because Jesus has already fought and won that battle!

20 Now may the God of peace who brought again from 
the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, 
by the blood of the eternal covenant, 21 equip you with everything 
good that you may do his will, working in us[b] that which is 
pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory 
forever and ever. Amen.


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