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Finding Purpose

How often do we go through life wondering what our purpose is?  As we plod along day by day, sometimes minute by minute, life can seem like more than we can take at times.  I'm in a transition phase of life.  We are heading into the last semester of our homeschooling journey....and I'll admit, I'm a bit anxious about what is next.  You see, I'm a planner, a scheduler, a check-list 'checker-offer'.  I like to be prepared, know what's next, be in control and make it all perfect (which is exhausting by the way, but that's another post).  I know my ultimate purpose is to glorify and enjoy God.  But I also know that he wants us to use our talents and gifts to do that.  But you know what?  God hasn't revealed to me yet what he wants me to do....and I'll admit, that's hard for this non-control freak and  non-perfectionist wanna-be to swallow.

I've been sensing for a while that He's been trying to get me to slow down and rest in Him.  And for a while I was doing just that.  But over the holidays I've crept back into "being in control" mode.  I've been trying to push things through in my time, not His.  So now, I feel like I'm starting over; square one....again.

I've decided to start this blog as a way to write about real as it happens while I try, second by second, to live where I know my confidence must God's faithfulness.  I don't know what, or if, anything will become of this blog.  But my hope is that this might be an encouragement to others somehow.  I want to share the struggles as well as the lessons as well as the triumphs.  God is not finished with me yet....and he's not finished with you either.  Praise God for his mercy and grace!


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