
God's Powerful Right Hand

We all, to some degree, are desperate in our search for comfort.  How often do we strive to remove any struggle or inconvenience from our lives simply because we are uncomfortable?  For me it can be trying to control my kids' actions to achieve what's best (in my eyes) for them to something as simple as not liking to put in the work to actually prepare and cook my food so I spend (way too much) money on gadgets I don't need that add anxiety-inducing clutter to my home.  But what if there was a way to bring comfort (while enduring the struggle) without needing to do any of these things??  Would you want to know more? The other night, I sat in with my husband as he read a chapter of scripture with our kids:  even though our kids are adults still in the home, this is something they do together before praying at bedtime.  They are currently reading in Revelation and that night's verse was from Revelation 1.  In verses 17-18, John says " When I saw him, I fell a
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